Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Weekend recap #2

colourful breakfast to keep me happy on a grey fake Monday

Yea yea I know it's Tuesday already, but lucky me (I guess like most of us?) had an extra day off yesterday. So today I'm back at work and weather looks grey outside. A perfect fake Monday if you ask me. Thank God sun was out during the weekend, I completely recharged over the last couple of days.

On Friday I escaped from work a bit earlier. I came in early that morning, because I wanted to squeeze in a 12K run before meeting up with friends. So "work, run, shower, friends" basically sums up my day. And add food to that, of course. All in all it was a good day.

Saturday... My poor brain can't really remember what I did on Saturday? AHA it's coming back slowly. I was really tired all Saturday long. I woke up early because I had to look for another parking spot for my car. Got home past midnight on Friday - result: no parking spots available anymore. Except for one spot that needed to be available on Saturday at 7AM. Who needs a parking spot at 7 in the morning on the weekend?! But whatever, I got out of bed, moved the car and of course... couldn't sleep anymore after. Great. So I went shopping (functional stuff only :( ), did some cleaning, we went out for brunch and REAL shopping after. Then time for dinner and early to bed.

Sunday was family time! We woke up confused because of the winter time - summer time thingy. We made it to my parents in time though. Easter lunch and some good wine. The best. Oh and ironing in the evening. And the mister made meatball spaghetti.

You could read about yesterday in my previous post. Quick recap: 12K run, swimming and family time again. And a WHOLE lotta ENERGY!

So as you could read, I had a pretty good weekend! Partly productive, partly relaxed and partly both at the same time. I say YES to more of that!

What was your weekend like?


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