Wednesday, 29 June 2016

No fun things

HEJ KIDS! No fun things to mention today. Besides:

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Bottom's up!

HEJ KIDS! Nothing that makes me happier than food and drinks after a day of work. Or before a day of work. I tried keeping the holiday spirit alive with some homemade lemonade after I got back home last night. So refreshing!

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Dolce far niente pt 2

Le Bougnat des Pouilles (Troyes)

In my last post you could read about my first Provence impressions - foodwise at least. Now it's time to talk about... MORE FOOD of course! When going abroad I love spending time discovering (super)markets, local food... You get the picture. But something else I obviously can't forget about is RESTAURANTS!

Monday, 20 June 2016

Dolce far niente

HEJ KIDS! I'm back from an amazing week in la douce France. It's true what they say: "du vin, du
pain et du Boursin". Aaah the sweetness of doing nothing. The doing nothing was all about food food food, lots of reading and a bit of swimming. And mostly about re-connecting with loved ones. And with myself.  Let's talk food for today.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

and start thinking of food instead

 Hi guys!

When I get sad, I stop being sad and start thinking of food instead. True story. 
See what I did there?

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

About bread and breasts

Hey kids! So many things have changed since we last talked! I changed jobs, I changed houses. Guess that’s about enough change to explain the radio silence over here?