Friday 30 October 2015

Nothing better...

than an awesome breakfast. I mean: look at these colours! I've been feeling kinda blugh the last couple of days, so I went to the doctor's yesterday. She told me to take some medicine but more importantly: to rest. And nothing better to re-energize than kickstarting your day, with a vibrant, delicious and healthy breakfast.

I had toast with avocado, yogurt with fresh figs and the best immune booster: tea with ginger, lemon and honey.

Of course I had to add some extra touches. For example, there's more to that toast than just bread and avocado. I pimped it with some seeds (flax, pumpkin...), sea salt, freshly ground black pepper, the best olive oil and some lemon zest. And boy, that lemon zest made it so zingy and fresh... Mmm! The yogurt is topped with fresh figs - obviously - but also with honey, walnuts and pepper. Yum! 
I love these mornings when you can just take time for yourself and focus on what you're doing in the moment, without having to worry about the turmoil outside.

What do you do to unwind? And are you just as crazy about breakfast as I am?


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