Saturday 31 October 2015

Mamma mia!

I've got a newfound passion... Making pasta! Simple but delicious spaghetti, luscious tagliatelli and ravioli or tortellini with the richest of fillings. Not saying I'm any good at it yet, but boy, I love the way I can just focus on the dough and what to fill it with without thinking about anything else.

I've been experimenting with different (mixtures of) flours, egg:flour ratio, etc. Still need to find the perfect recipe but gotta say: the batch I tried tonight was pretty good. And I'm not only trying variations of flour etc, I also try to make different fillings everytime when I'm going for tortellini or ravioli. So far I've tried: pumpkin/sage/parmesan, ricotta/lemon zest/sage and mushroom/parmesan. Mmm makes me so happy thinking about it! Wish I could actually make pasta for a living...

The last time I made pasta, was the first time I tried homemade pasta for my parents. I made plain tagliatelli (50 semola di grano duro/ 50 doppio zero), with a simple tomato sauce with anchovies, basil and of course... PARMIGIANOOO! And although they're a pretty difficult crowd to please (especially my mom), they said they'd be happy to have it again!

Haven't put any real recipes on here yet, but will start doing so in a while. I'm just not that much of a recipe kinda girl - I just read what I can online, and then I just do something

Have you ever tried making your own pasta? Anyway, never forget: l'appetito vien mangiando!


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