Tuesday 22 March 2016

Let love rule

I was in doubt. Didn't know whether I had to write about this. I've got nothing to add, not even the right words. I woke up this morning and felt good about today. No slumbering agony, no small annoyances. I looked outside and the sky turned from grey to blue. The kind of morning that makes you happy about the fact you woke up, ready for what the day had to offer.

And then that moment, for which I'm still looking for the right words. Explosions in Brussels airport. Explosions in metro stations. So many questions to be answered.

It was the number one topic at work. And that's the moment when I realized that the more I talked about it, the more real it felt. This has really happened. And I feel quite the hypocrite about it. It had really happened in Ankara and Istanbul as well. But this one really hits close to home.

Talking about it also made me feel more connected. Not just connected to the people I was talking to, but to all my beloved ones. And to all those who feel as if we should unite and stand strong. We've got no other choice.

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